Root canal therapy won’t revive the tooth, however it will ensure that the tooth can remain in your mouth without causing any further issues. Prior to the procedure, your dentist will take an x-ray to determine the severity of the infection. As with all dental procedures, a root canal treatment begins with a local anaesthetic to numb the area. From there, the dentist will open the top of the tooth and remove the damaged nerve from inside the tooth.
Once the nerve and blood tissue has been removed, the dentist will take the time to properly clean the inside of the tooth. The inside of the tooth and its roots must be completely free of all the bacteria that caused the inflammation and pain. Therefore, cleaning is the longest stage of the procedure. Once the tooth and its roots are fully cleaned, your dentist will dry the area before filling the roots with special, medicated dental material. A filling then is placed inside the tooth to help restore the shape and if needed a dental crown can be encased over the tooth for added strength and protection.