4 Surprising Reasons Why You Might Need a Tooth Filling

You might think that tooth fillings are only needed for those who don’t brush their teeth regularly or indulge in too many sweets. But have you ever considered the other surprising reasons why a filling might be needed? From teeth grinding to genetics, there are various factors that can cause cavities to form and leave…

Why Preventative Dentistry is Key to a Healthy Smile: 5 Reasons You Need to Know

Are you tired of constantly dealing with toothaches, cavities, and other dental problems? The truth is, many of these issues can be prevented through proper oral hygiene and preventative dentistry. In this blog post, we will explore the top 5 reasons why preventative dentistry is key to maintaining a healthy smile. From saving money on…

Teeth Whitening in Ivanhoe: Understanding the Differences between At-Home and In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Are you tired of hiding your smile in public because of discolored or stained teeth? Well, worry no more! Teeth whitening in Ivanhoe has become a popular and effective solution for brighter smiles. However, with the various options available such as at-home and in-chair treatments, it can be confusing to understand which one is best…

4 Reasons You May Need Dental Veneers: Don’t Wait until It’s Too Late

Are you self-conscious about your smile? Do you have chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth that make you want to hide behind closed lips? If so, dental veneers may be the solution for you! In this blog post, we’ll discuss four tell-tale signs that indicate it’s time to consider getting veneers. Don’t wait until it’s too…

Don’t Neglect Your Teeth: Why Professional Cleanings Should Be Part Of Your Oral Care Routine

Good oral hygiene is essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but sometimes brushing and flossing alone isn’t enough. Read on to find out why professional teeth cleaning should be a part of your oral care routine, and how it can help make sure you keep those pearly whites shining! Why Are Professional Cleanings…

3 Advantages To Starting Oral Care From A Young Age

As any new parent knows, keeping a young child healthy and safe can be a challenge and there are too many areas that need to be addressed! But did you also know that preventive care for your little one’s oral health starts before their teeth even come in? Find out in this blog article why…

What to Do in a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies are no fun. Particularly when you are bleeding, suffering from unbearable pain, or any unexpected dental issue . In such cases, you should see an emergency dentist who can lessen the discomfort and provide you with some medical and dental relief. Our emergency dentist in Ivanhoe is here to look after you and…

Myths and Facts About Root Canal Treatment You Should Know

What strikes you as you hear the phrase root canal? That it causes discomfort and is painful? It’s costly? Does it make you sick? Myths about root canal treatments are misleading for many people. A stigma has developed over time that the root canal practice is unsafe and harmful, and possibly yields more health concerns…

5 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

In the era of modern dentistry, there are myriad ways to achieve a perfect smile. Long gone are the days of severe metal braces, with modern technology being harnessed to align your teeth with subtlety. Invisalign is the latest in transparent orthodontic devices, expertly fitted by your dentist at Prodental, your go-to dentists in Ivanhoe….

5 Habits That Can Stain Your Teeth?

A healthy smile comes from sparkling white teeth. Everyone likes to flaunt their pearly whites, but having stained teeth can significantly affect your confidence. We usually fail to recognise our habits that may influence teeth staining. Let us review what can cause a dental stain. 1. Consuming Teeth-Staining Beverages and Foods Coloured compounds such as…